Para todos aquellos curiosos de la Antigüedad, Bizancio y la Grecia Moderna

Salvad el Dpto. de Griego Moderno y Bizantinística del King´s College de Londres

Desde la Sociedad Hispánica de Estudios Neogriegos nos ha llegado la preocupante noticia de que, entre los planes de restructuración del famoso King´s College de Londres, se ha planteado la propuesta de suprimir el Departamento de Estudios Bizantinos y Neogriegos.
A continuación reproducimos el mensaje original enviado por el Profesor Roderick Beaton en el que se hace un llamamiento para que aquellos que así lo deseen puedan suscribir una petición online para salvar un departamento que, como el referido, cuenta con una larga y fructífera tradición científica.

Yesterday the European Society for Modern Greek Studies launched an online petition to save the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies at King’s College London. The petition can be accessed at:

The College has initiated a consultation process on proposals to restructure the School of Arts & Humanities. Formally this process ends in early May. Under these proposals the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies is due to disappear, because it is too small to be ‘sustainable,’ both in terms of staff numbers and student recruitment, especially at BA level. Some staff posts are likely to be lost, others will be re-assigned to up to four different departments, thus dispersing the unique concentration of expertise that has been built up over many years. For information on the Department and its activities see:

As well as signing the petition, do please consider writing personally to express your concern about these proposals. The address to write to is: Professor Rick Trainor, The Principal, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS (principal@kcl.ac.uk) and copy to Professor Jan Palmowski, Head of the School of Arts and Humanities (jan.palmowski@kcl.ac.uk). It would be appreciated if you would also copy your letter, or just send a message to indicate that you have sent one, to the Head of Department, Professor David Ricks (david.ricks@kcl.ac.uk).

Please also forward this request to friends and colleagues.

Los Departamentos de Griego y de Latín del I.E.S. "Alonso de Orozco"
han suscrito la petición para salvar los estudios de
Griego Moderno y Bizantinística
en el King´s College

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